This proves nothing and is just Twitter non-sense. OBJ signing autographs and bringing sharpies means nothing. Other than, he will stand in the rain and do anything to get the adoration of his fans in order to feed the “Diva”.
This proves nothing and is just Twitter non-sense. OBJ signing autographs and bringing sharpies means nothing. Other than, he will stand in the rain and do anything to get the adoration of his fans in order to feed the “Diva”.
Pump the breaks there fanboy. I am talking about OBJ the WR, nothing to do with being young or black. Don’t try to make this about race when I literally said nothing to the effect.
I think trading away OBJ was something they had to do. He is basically on a 3 year deal (I only count guaranteed money unless you are a top QB), he is a diva, and if you look how AB, D-Jax, and Bell have been acting, he was a time bomb set to go off in a few years.
Minnesota Rep. Ilhan Omar, who has spent her first months in office being attacked by everyone from her fellow Democrats to the president essentially for being an opinionated Muslim woman,
Feige has showed his brilliance in handling the MCU.
In relation to the distracting male-gaze of other MCU entries (looking at you, Iron Man 2!), the film is a vast improvement in how female characters are represented on-screen in Marvel movies.
This child separation policy is a war crime.
Jesus, you people should listen to yourselves. When a Republican MOC traffics in racist behavior, a la Jim Jordan’s “Here is Trumps Black Friend” he is called out and RIGHTFULLY SO, however when your Rep Omar repeatedly traffics in Antisemitism, the best you can do is “in artfull”?
Is the a standard you apply universally to anyone who repeatedly uses bigoted and discriminatory language?
Representative Omar has the right and the duty to point out that the sovereign nation of Israel is not always a good actor and does not automatically act in the best interest of the United States.
You know Samer is not a journalist because a real editor would have NEVER allowed him to post this.
Someone married this dumpster fire? She must be made of asbestos.
I am not too worried about this. Presidents present budgets all the time to Congress that the routinely ignore. They have the power of the purse, not the president.
Justice Democrats fared pretty poorly in the 2018 election cycle. Out of the 7 MOCs that won, 3 were incumbents (way to stick your necks out) the other 4 came from solidly Dem districts. No swing districts were won.
So you are basically calling Cummings an Uncle Tom?
So true. I mean, its easier to argue over the astronomical cost that are completely guesses on both sides (still a shit ton of $$ any way you look at it) and not address the practicality of this fantasy.
Splinter has a remarkably inconsistent editorial voice.
LOL. You are hilarious. Nothing you label me is remotely close to who I am, but lets that not stop you from judging me harshly, uncompromisingly from a several hundred word comment.
Look. Here is the real deal. Just like Trump, these women have a base, and they are playing to it. They can’t lose, because their argument is, “these loser don’t have balls and they won’t listen to our gospel of truth” when the ultimately fail as legislators.
My point is, that as a matter of fact, people can call themselves whatever they want. I can say I am Chinese if I want to, no one has to believe me, but I can say it. Doesn’t make it true.