Sorry to get on a soapbox here, but it seems to me, this lies at one of the fundamental issues of sexual and frankly gender identity issues. And before I get pile on in the comments section, hear me out.
Sorry to get on a soapbox here, but it seems to me, this lies at one of the fundamental issues of sexual and frankly gender identity issues. And before I get pile on in the comments section, hear me out.
Don’t you just have to say your queer and your queer? That is my impression of how it works these days.
Look, I think you are conflating “believe the victim” with “believe the victim, but as the investigation unfolds, be willing to accept things could change”.
Then they outsourced farm labor and yard work.
she’s already had more influence over her caucus in 2 months than King has in however long
Venezuela gets a bad wrap.
I think you are being too kind here, but you are right in what you say.
FWIW this series is, so far, awesome. I never thought you could make a scene set to Tiffany’s “I Think We’re Alone Now” beautifully touching and highly entertaining.
An absolute joke? Let see, when you are defended by David Duke for your comments about Jews and Money, what is the joke?
Now explain how defeating Israel’s enemies for them at the cost of trillions of dollars and thousands of American lives is in the interest of this country?
You and the rest at Splinter, keep trying to make this about Israel, AIPAC, republicans, Sheldon, etc. But its not. She was not called out for being anti-Israel, anti-AIPAC, or any of your other imagined fantasies.
Omar also fell short on explaining how AIPAC influences politics in America.
Jews enjoy immense wealth and power, as do white people. Calling them out for it is not racism or bigotry.
This sound more like defense of laziness by conflating Fitness Culture with exercise.
This is not even a serious proposal. I am all for Climate Change legislation but the some of the goals are nonsensical
No alternative. Now is the time to demand exactly what we want and not move an inch when they won’t give it to us
Let me ask you this: Do you think he would have done this if a white man raped his friend?
malted barley is used for it’s enzymes to convert the grain starch to sugar so you are missing an ingredient there.
The slavish reverence is silly and only adds to the likiehood of her star falling as fast as it has risen.
A vocal minority of people with employer-provided coverage they actually like doesn’t mean you should ignore what’s best for everyone. Yes, a 71 percent majority of people with employer-provided health insurance are happy with their coverage (at least according to the health insurers’ trade group); 49 percent of…