
Slapping a tax won’t change anything(and its not going to happen).

Uh what are you talking about?

Not a big fan of Schultz running at an independant but couple of things you don’t really define

I have been watching football since 2nd grade (in the 80'S). Romo is by far the best booth commentator I have heard, full stop. And I listed to a lot of games with Madden and the other dude.

I get what Cuomo was trying to say and on the larger point he is not wrong: Just shut this shit down before it gets out of control.

That is not the argument you originally made, and you continue to make some assertions that are just not true.

Not Fox news. Jim Jordan and Mark Meadows. The news has it that he was about to sign the deal to get his wall $$, however much it was, and these two wingnuts convinced him to kill it.

Glad you found some new reading material.

Chappelles job is comedy. And comedy can be offensive to some. To other’s it isn’t.

There is a piece kind of missing from this story. Did Nick grow up on a tribal lands? Did he grow up Native or just around relatives who were native. And I am not nit picking because is matters for the thesis of his argument which in an of its self has some flaws.

Gomorrah may be the best gangster series of all time. Everything the Sopranos was not.

That being said, its still true.  She has done nothing.

Watch yourself here! AOC has been granted the Progressive Infallibility akin to the Holy See in Rome.

Yeah.  This idea is definately going to go somewhere.  Technically Nowhere is Somewhere, right?

I can’t stop laughing. I am so glad this guy is a head coach and I am looking forward to his press conferences next year. They are gonna be gold.

Agreed. Splinter’s take is just more verbal bowing and scraping to the newly anointed messiah.

Actually, this is just a stupid article.

“Charisma”, “youth”, “vitality”. Yes these are all sterling credentials for an MOC.

Best article I have seen written on the Root. Hands down. Thanks. More like this.  

I am not a fan of censorship and I am surprised a media company or one of its writers would advocate for it.