It's Grant, not Dave who's rumoured to work on that project.
It's Grant, not Dave who's rumoured to work on that project.
ah, the N900.
"we haven't tried before" - yeah, unless you count F-zero X and F-zero GX that is. Which brings me to the question..where the hell is a new F-zero? I hope Nintendo doesn't think Mariokart+antigrav could ever substitute their futuristic racer.
None of these articles deal with the total lack of F-zero for a home console since forever. People need F-zero.
Thank you Sony. Nice approach to DRM, Nice console design. Nice hardware inside (slightly more powerful than the XONE in the shaders department) but I'm giving the controller prize to the XONE.
wow, how random - and utterly confusing in light of the upcoming Xbox One (you'd think they'd want to differentiate as much as possible so as to really demonstrate the leap forward). What is this, bad design year? :(
they could always sell the VC games from inside the game - more like a store within a game.
right on the money. I had an 80's JVC 14'' tele that kinda looked like this.
there was plenty of internets when this came out.
doesn't look like at him at all actually. He looks (and is) middle-eastern, whereas they've made him look Dutch. All white folks look the same to some people, this is racist! :P
Sony should lay off the drugs.
oh no, what if religious institutions started doing this? The horror. THE HORROR.
nice engine demo, no gameplay interest whatsoever.
it's not that voxels aren't cool or can't be used - they're underdeveloped and it's just that we took the direction of triangles (polygons) a long time ago, adjusting the hardware to accelerate accordingly - there's no such dedicated hardware for voxels.
I love melee, then brawl but the N64 version..although I was around when it came was slow. I like fast.
well said lad.
video game stars, like many people, are only human..ehr pokemon. cocaine is addictive and its symptoms are becoming obvious even in pikachu.
but..Jumping Flash!!! :P
weeeeell, as someone who has dealt with a similar issue I can tell you that it depends. The PS4/PC tools should be remarkably similar and thankfully mostly compatible in most respects. Additionally, the graphics pipeline for the Ps3 was written for OGL..which is the same lingo they'll be using on the PS4's graphics…
you just needed an excuse to post a DC pic. There is nothing in common between a VMU and streaming the contents of the video buffer over the air to a client.