I like it. I hated the PS3 controller with a passion.
I like it. I hated the PS3 controller with a passion.
am I the only reasonable person who think that the "always online" concept, the backbone of streaming games, is not a doable thing at this moment in time? I mean, when internet and power-lines merge, when you get both off the same plug, meaning that they're inseperable, then only would it make sense to introduce…
unified RAM? on the PS3? never. It had a split 256 of XDR(VRAM) and DDR3, for a total of 512. Unified Memory Architecture was a thing of the N64, XBOX, X360 etc.
YES. Until they invent a time machine, I m all for partying like its 199x.
real men play Quake.
I have great respect for the Criterion folks ever since their original Burnout, nice article :) Previous gen, their middle-ware was awesome too, thanks guys.
no one fucking noticed the NDEV Wii devkit sitting on top? Nintendo photobombed your PS4 news, it gave me a laugh.
take a seat, have a candy. There are legitimate reasons to like Steam, sure, but are they doing it for gamers per se? or are they just clever in the way that they make money off you? You'll argue that we all win, and I agree, but when it comes to the nitty-gritty, they're bean-counters like all companies, can't you…
and for the record, if my opinion is shitty, you're not the one to judge anyone's opinion..considering you're loaded with cash and talk about gaming as it's been only recently, n00b.
"support Valve to no end" is what people replying to this post are actually doing, so where was I wrong again? :) fanboys are fanboys, I don't care if you support Valve, I just see them as a money making entity, that's what companies do..for a living.
Valve fanboys? I wish u were around the DOS days. We'd have some fun. Too bad I don't give a fuck anymore.
ok, get back to me when you're sober.
they've been like that, in my eyes, ever since Steam became a "thing". It's hip among the elitist PC-gamer (with no gaming background beyond the PC) to support Valve to no end, and Steam with it, but their games aren't my cup of tea. I'm probably in the minority though, and an all-around gamer since the NES days.
The WiiU's SDK is quite flexible for anyone who has worked on a 360 game - but that doesn't take into account optimizations, hence why I expect some major hickups in that version, although I haven't seen it or a review of it (The WiiU edition that is). I'm having fun with the PC version though, I'd say it's ok,…
ffs, people watch sports, can you fathom that? Same thing.
wait wait..so she's sexy but not smart? I'm a guy, but this is ridiculous.
Please keep in mind that development kits have TWICE the RAM than retail units (for debugging purposes etc). Both next gen consoles will have 4GB o'RAM.
if Sony and MS are running a business and not Willy Wonka's console factory they'll stick to 1080p for now and use the extra juice for more refined looks - you know, instead of just using more than 50% more RAM and resources to render nearly identical content.
fucked?by who? do tell. you seem to be an insider of sorts..
give a man in office a nobel prize, he rubs his cock on your face. nice one big O.