
Deadspin only dislikes mcgregor because he’s white.

Deadspin really hates white people

Omg a diction error on the Internet !!!!!! You’re so much more intelligent than I am. How’d that superiority work out on Tuesday??? Did Hillary win? You’re a bad male feminist and got curb stomped on Tuesday.

Deadspin hates white people so it’s a good place to fight racism with racism. Plus this place is a pillow fight of intellectuals. Nick Martin, Ashley Feinberg, etc have the combined talent of the eighth grade newspaper staff at a school for retards.

This isn’t a bad article which is shocking given the source. My issue with deadspin is that it very clearly think black lives (and jobs) matter more than white lives. That’s not even debatable.

You just said you were upset. Holy mood swings. Listen, this is a bad week for male feminists but maybe your wife will peg you tonight after she fucks another man.

You got destroyed by a simple citation from Nate silver. I don’t need to go on. You lost. Like Hillary. Badly. I’m humiliated for you.

Liberal hero and homosexual Nate Silver agrees with me though. Haha I’m glad your upset. White guilt has failed.

Lots of trump voters felt uncomfortable admitting they supported him for fear of being shamed online by places like deadspin or in person by awful millennial liberals like Ashley. As a result, they didn’t admit their allegiances and the polls gave the Hillary campaign a false sense of security in Wisconsin and

Hey Ashley. You realize you helped get trump elected right? Has that fact gotten through your skull? I know you aren’t bright or talented but you helped trump tremendously. Good job. You did this.

It’s a proven fact that black men don’t stick around to raise families nearly as much as white men. You can’t argue that.

“You did this to yourself”

Unlike Cromartie (a black) Rivers is a good family man.

Also because white millenial liberals like saner and giri guilted people into not admitting they’d vote for trump and Hillary misinterpreted the polls. Whoops

Kinda love that the liberal blogosphere got trump elected.

Tom Ley would love some big Irish balls in the face.