
the lady would make a passable Clara with just a hat,dress and period hair, and the dude could use a hat and a wig too. They'd probably get x10 the backers.

Because ESPN's Facebook comments section is an unmoderated hellhole that makes YouTube's comments section feel like it is inhabited by solely Nobel Prize winners.

Road is wet. Camry pulls left, while under braking, to avoid the truck. Braking and turning is bad, the rear is light and begins to slide. Camry over-corrects and hits the truck.

I don't understand why everybody wants the white iPhone, Everyone knows the black one runs faster.

2004 CTS-V. 400hp, 6 speed manual, 163 mph at redline in 5th gear. Buy it now for $13,999.

The aero mods might drag that top speed down a bit

This is what we need....countdown timers.


what were you expecting/hoping for?

I bet people who watched this without reading the synopsis got to 7:45 and were all like "What the hell?"

So... 9 ate 7?

Seriously? Guessed her apple password? No wonder people are getting their nudes stolen lol

Commenters with good suggestions are the best kinds of commenters.

Funny thing is that this Tacoma was probably fine after that.

Hey pictures guy, if they are unattended, lift up the tarp.

Maybe they aren't mocking, but just admitting: "We can't offer you all that cool stuff because we aren't the USMC. We can offer you a wall to jump over and some snow. And probably a friendly blonde guy to help you up."

Drones, the glassholes of the avian world.

A free Tesla

You're calling it a greater security risk solely because it's stored on a different server, while consciously ignoring all arguments explaining why that is neither practical nor profitable for a professional hacker.

Yeah, I've found it really isn't that much of a pain. It was only really a pain for Google, because I'd need to log into my account on a billion devices like my iPad, iPhone, whatever, and every time I'd be like "damn I forgot about this!" but now I've just gotten used to getting the SMS and punching in the code. Once