
Let’s not throw stones. Who among us hasn’t overcooked it in that exact tunnel multiple times?

Yea, and now people who are undocumented and don’t live in a sanctuary community are not going to feel safe calling the police if they need help. We just made everyone’s lives worse. This poor family.

This is going to keep happening until Americans stop seeing illegal immigrants as less than, no matter how many crimes they’ve committed or how much of a threat they pose. As an immigrant (though not illegal, the sentiment is the same) I can assure you the overwhelming majority of us comes with hopes of having a

Jesus christ. With all of the problems law enforcement and our legal system need to be concerned with... we’re fucking throwing out human beings like we’re throwing out the trash. Dammit people! Just... dammit.

This was great. You know why? Because, for all of 2 minutes, I wasn’t thinking about the next four years.

Congrats on exceptional camera work. My mouth is still open not as much about the whale, but that the guy with the camera was able to frame the shot, move seamlessly from underwater to overwater, and keep steady in rough conditions.

Boom- krill shot!

I think you’re going to get enough stars to float to the top. It’s more than I’ve ever gotten, but I’m not going to blubber about it.

The russian judge was not impressed

Oh you...

Yeah, it needed a good selfie to put on finstagram.

Whales are smart, I get the feeling this whale knew exactly what it was doing in front of the camera.

Obama is so handsome. Not just by comparison, but goddammit. It’s like putting a glass of French wine next to a half empty PBR that’s mostly backwash.

This is one of those Picture Worth a Thousand Word moments:

We’ve been screwed here in Loudoun County Va for a while now...

Can we please also teach drivers that just because you’re going over the speed limit does NOT permit you to camp in the left lane?

I am absolutely lost it when I saw that he put the magazines in the oven with the chef boyardee right after their account recommended to move them away from the stove.

I had to stop reading this for now, as class starts in just a few minutes and I am painfully close to embarrassing myself by laughing loudly. This guy is a genius.

Impeding traffic? What was behind him, the Mayor's Veyron?