
Maybe this is a silly question, but does the water it’s spraying out come back due to gravity? If not, wouldn’t it run out at a certain point and the planet would dry out?

She’s insanely pretty...


What could possibly go wrong?

I LOL’d... Glad I wasn’t drinking my beer when I read that. :D

If you enable “Speak Selection” under “Accessibility,” you can have your iPhone read what your emoijis are if you select them and then click on “Speak.”

Easy way to get your iPhone to say “Smiling Pile of Poo” for example. You could try the same with this emoticon and see what it says.

Why no PRHT available?

1) What are the main improvements you’re finding over the NC?

I love this stuff! Thank you! :)

What are the holes in the roof for? I’m guessing ventilation or something, but what’s the advantage for the fire / firefighters to have holes in the roof like that? So smoke can escape, perhaps?

Maybe. I live in Seattle. There’s only so much you can do if you’re here. If it happens, it happens. If it doesn’t, it doesn’t. Might as well enjoy yourself, especially if there isn’t much you can do. Being scared doesn’t actually accomplish anything other than making you feel like crap in the meantime. It doesn’t

Oh cool, creating genetically modified creatures designed to be unable to properly reproduce that then go out and share their DNA with us. What could possibly go wrong?

Thank you!! :)

Now playing

Yes! Left lane hogs definitely need to get over. :D

I wish there was a way to filter out Tavarish’s posts that say “Why buy this new car when you can get a used car for less.” Thank you captain obvious. Point made, now let’s move on and quit beating a dead horse.

Gizmodo... a gadget blog that tells you about people getting polio from kiddie lemonade stands in the 1940’s due to poor cleaning techniques.

Things you can’t unsee, lol

Miata driver in Seattle here. It’s amazing owning this car here. I got it thinking it would be the most impractical car ever (rain, traffic, stop and go, hills, etc.) but it’s so spectacularly beautiful here and it rains less than you’d think, especially this past winter. More gray, sometimes rainy. Mostly beautiful,

How does it handle light offroading to get to trailheads?

Do you get any control over the AWD system?

How fun/sporty is it? I'm coming from an NC Miata and would love and AWD SUV'ish vehicle that's fun and also lets me do some light offroading.

Oh, and got launch control? :D