
Heads are going to roll over this. Well, one head. Ricardo Lockette’s head. In physical therapy. But, like, a whole buncha times.

Dude only decided to call the cops because they stiffed him on the tip. He had no problem with them walking out after 7 margs each.

Yes yes yes. Couldn’t put my finger on why I can’t stand Rayna (forgive me, saint Connie Britton and hair) She bugs the shit out of me. So preachy! And yet I tune in week after week. Some melodrama had to capture my attention since I jumped ship from Grey’s after hospital shooting number four.

The “finally” really makes it feel like he planned for his daughter to dress like a slut her whole life.

though its a tad creepy to be a dad taking a picture of his daughter while she is dressed like that.

Little did they know, the lawsuit was coming from inside the house...

I’m so mad about this. Jeff was finally more than a one-dimensional character and now he’s one more thing for Layla to wallow around in her growing pool of misery. Let someone be happy for a change!

I feel the same way. The citing of Saints Row 4 as a good game in comparison after listing all the reasons why GTA V is bad is especially perplexing to me personally. I enjoy SR4 myself, but you could easily apply those reasons, and more, to that game as well.

The big problem with GTA is that it has always been bad.

Let me know when they kill off Scarlett and her ratty-ass weave, and maybe I’ll consider getting back into this show.

Pictured: Christie fantasy football

Nashville is a shitshow of misery, and yet for some reason I keep watching it. Haynen is really great on it, and the biggest draw for me. I honestly don’t really care that much about Rayna, because they’ve made her such a friggin Mary Sue.

Man, so edgy.

You’re one of those parents that won’t let their kids have their own opinions and taste, aren’t you?

Well, actually, the loyalty some of us feel towards Japanese social standards is based on the idea that . . .

I’m from the Midwest. I’m trying to picture how white a place needs to be in order for its defining characteristic among small, Midwestern towns is that it's “the place with all the white folks.”

My fav part about the duck dynasty dudes is that this look is just a gimmick. There's pictures of them from like 5 years ago where they just look like preppy country club boys

Seriously, Cleveland lost 2 years of the NFL, got a stadium partially funded by the NFL and got to keep their name, colors and history. You built stadiums/arenas for the Indians and pre-Lebron Cavs and told Modell to figure out his own stadium issues. Baltimore suffered through Big Irsay as he drunkenly tried to move