
I don’t even work in IT, but there are some PCs around my office that I won’t touch without gloves on.

They know. Their neckbeard was tingling and they had to scratch it. Just point and laugh.

For such an anti-Left stooge, he sure took a lot in government handouts. Must be a Republican.

reason 104 why you are a virgin and a fuckwit

My keyboard is filthy. You would not touch my keyboard. I do not know what to do about it either. I excrete filth at an alarming rate. I should probably shower more (I mean, I’m not going to, but I probably should)

Also he was an artsy fartsy white musician who smoked a lot of weed and dropped a lot of acid. Of course he waxed poetic about sexuality being fluid, without actually acting out on it. This is not revolutionary nor surprising information. Chill the fuck out.

Once again, let us talk about how awful he actually was as a

“Both John and I were into attractiveness”

Well geez, this is a rare opinion. She should pitch for Unpopular Opinion on XOJane.

Yeah I’m not the cleanest human in the world but do you have to use your keyboard instead of a plate for EVERY meal?

I’m really not understanding how anyone can still be shocked by this at all. The NFL is a company. Companies do not care about your mother, they don’t care about being socially responsible, they don’t care about anything outside of making money and appearance. They care about APPEARING to care about many social issues

Conclusion: religion is stupid. Putting an imaginary being above your own living, breathing family? That is stupid, and in this case: criminal.

·This reminds me of Epicurus :

God probably has an easier time amswering your prayers when you are already in the hospital with all the medicines and doctors standing by.

I know everyone hates candy corn but i wwwuuuvvvvs it

Yeah, but she ruined the career of that offensive tackle.

“Tits McGee”?

I apologize for calling her “Tits McGhee”. No one should ever be called “Tits McGhee”. If ever there was a name not to call a girl like Jessica, it would be “Tits McGhee”.

Easy now—we don’t call Minaj out for things ‘round here.

They hired an older gentlman who has outdated views and didn’t pay attention during his training, so made a bad call. The team remedied the situation as soon as they could, and then apologized appropriately and publicly. But social media’s need for constant outrage turned a simple mistake into a shitstorm.

Oh, you think being a dick is your ally. But you merely adopted the dick; I was born in it, molded by it. I didn’t see basketball until I was already a man, by then it was nothing to me but hot takes!

“But what I do have are a very hot set of takes, takes I have acquired over a very long career. Takes that make me a nightmare for people like you. If you apologize now, that’ll be the end of it. I will not look for you, I will not pursue you. But if you don’t, I will look for you, I will find you, and I will threaten