But Her Emails

Kanye and Trump are both irreparably mentally ill, so this is no surprise. What is surprising is how brazenly Trump is trying to steal Obama’s accomplishments on the south side.

Oh ye of little faith, how I pity thee.

Yeah well it’s not.

I guess you don’t believe women.  I do.

Taking impeachment off the table already? Mueller is hard at work and once that work is finished there will be mass arrests, military tribunals, and capital punishment for all - all - involved.

May all of their DNA be wiped from earth.

Honestly take this back ASAP. 

No, I would never do that.  Don’t say that. 

Better shutup.  

Collins just confirmed that she will be voting to confirm Kavanaugh. 

All of those allegations are politically motivated unlike the allegations against Kavanaugh. 

I’ll tell you exactly what this guy is feeling:

Go back to 4chans you dumb bastard go away. 

Can we drop the “accuser” term already?  It implies they might not be telling the truth. 

It’s official: Rape is now legal. 

Who let’s you out of the greys every damn day? And why? Don’t you have a 4chans blog to meme or something?

You aren’t a Democrat.  Stop with your political appropriation, Bernie Boi. 

Listen, it hasn’t happened yet. She might not and that would be great. But the fact that we have to sit here and stress out over whether a woman will support women over rapists means she has to be voted out.

Except they really are going to control the Supreme Court for the rest of my lifetime. That’s history. That’s reality. That’s a problem.

And FUCK all the Bernie voters that laughed when I mentioned the Supreme Court to them in 2016.