Guess what, dipfuck: I voted for HRC. That doesn’t preclude me from being pissed off over democrats being basically fucking worthless.
Guess what, dipfuck: I voted for HRC. That doesn’t preclude me from being pissed off over democrats being basically fucking worthless.
Excepting your aversion to horses and mayo, what possible good are you seeing in having this laughing stock of a man “running” our country?
What the fuck is more relevant than this horror-show we are witnessing?
Psst: your “extremely well qualified”candidate got her ass handed to her by a pus-filled anthromorphic talking hot dog.
All the motherfucking stars.
And here you are, proving him right.
Hey dipshit, it would help if you read the fucking thread: a) you’re making the point that I made first, and b) I said clearly above that I voted for HRC.
You’re fucking kidding with the “entitlement” bit, right?
Uh, HRC was the nom. You don’t get to blame the guy who lost the primary for the loss of the general.
In a world full of shitty takes...this one is really shitty.
It was boring for *us.*
So you don’t understand how healthcare insurance works. Ok.
That was a lot of words when “I’m a fucking moron” would have sufficed.
Replace “rap” with “rock” and every one of those statements is still true.
No, you’re stupid because you made an incorrect generalized statement about rap music, followed by a bunch of ignorant racist shit.
No, your idiocy is the problem.
“Black people are always jumping in the racism train”
This is bad, and wrong.
Only if you’re really fucking stupid.
I don’t think you have a very good grasp on “how the country works.”