I just can't

Ok, bud. Good luck with that irrational hatred thing you have going.

Nothing you’ve said even approaches “true.” You’re blaming a single person for a generation, and a generation for...what? “Fucking up?”

Did you vote?

You really don’t have any argument here beyond “people older than me suck,” which, I mean, ok, but that’s pretty stupid.

Uh, what did *I* “fuck up,” specifically?

That is the dumbest pile of shit ever written.

But see, here’s the thing.

U R dumb

A) You have no fucking idea about who I voted for, or why*.


Nowhere near “half the country” voted for Trump, Dr Brilliant.

LOL yeah a lot of us 40 year olds - who got hella fucked in the Great Recession and are making a whole lot less than our parents were at this point - *we* fucked this up?

Jesus you even muffed your come back.

LOL Clinton didn’t even visit Wisonsin but you’re selling this bullshit?

If only she’d known that winning the most votes doesn’t fucking matter!

Every one of these responses are...”hilarious” doesn’t capture it because this is serious as a fucking heart attack, but these are deeply stupid ramblings.

“That’s a lot of words. I didn’t read it, but I’m sure its informative.”

“I still don’t care.”

You are good, and deserve stars.

Sorry pal. I have no compassion for this pure fuckery.