THANKS. We got it.

Yes, how can anybody argue that this is a success for Warner Brothers. After they had such hits in 2015 like Jupiter Ascending and Pan and Man from U.N.C.L.E., Warner Brothers have to be reeling from the news that this movie will make a profit. I mean, they had everything going for them: this was a sequel to a movie

Exactly. The past few movies are widely accepted to be some of the best cinema ever produced. Captain America: The Winter Soldier has been hailed as one of the best films in the 21st Century. Thor: The Dark World, The Avengers, Ant-man, etc. have zero plot problems, wonderfully acted, and are almost taken verbatim

You are obviously wrong since everyone is so angry at your comment. They are all right. Every Marvel film is fantastic. That’s all people want, good movies. Like Iron Man II. It’s the characters; Robert Downey Stark is exactly the same on screen as he is in the comics. It is no surprise since most versions of the MCU

Yes, it is absolutely stunning that advance press screenings have positive word of mouth leaked to the general public. This is amazing. This means that this film, which is based on one of the most universally loved storylines in Marvel’s entire publishing history, will be a complete success and will not insult the