"even kayaks"
"even kayaks"
@Thangka: "National Strategy for Trusted Identities in Cyberspace"
Horrrrrrrrrrible fucking move. One ID doesn't do anything but make things LESS secure.
If you want to look like a teenager, carry a Playstation phone.
@Master S: I was thinking more like females. The evil twin is always in like, skin tight black and/or red leather, sleek hair, and lots of makeup, etc.
@redman042: No. You're thinking of the Foleo, and that was nothing like this.
They wouldn't need a patent to build their cases out of Liquid Metal, so that may still happen. Probably a lot sooner than a fuel cell iPhone will.
I was okay until they said "next month," because I am just out of the return period for my Asus G73JW. It's a fine beast of a machine, but if they're offering the new SB i7's and GTX 500 level cards for 1500, I will be a little sad.
The evil twin is always hotter.
Red-winged blackbirds are, IMO, the most beautiful bird on the planet. I get a little sad every time I see this story appear.
Amazing voice, and what's more is he's quite articulate. I hope something comes of this and he can keep clean.
@distortedthe0ry: It's true.
@sp3nc3: I am definately not saying they should stop including QR codes, I mean why not have them after all. I was actually just musing on my own use and preferences.
@sp3nc3: I am definitely not saying they should stop with the QR codes, I mean why not? Diff folks, etc. Was just musing about my own prefs.
An aside: I find it quicker to just open the Market and type "go launcher" rather than using the QR code. Am I the only one? It's a handy thing and rightfully included, but really most useful in situations where you don't already know exactly where to look.
Man, imagine if you were in charge of data security for a big company in California. What a nightmare if one of your executives gets arrested for being an asshole, and his Blackberry is read through by some beat cop with 2 alimonies to pay and a bad gambling problem. JS, not all cops are good guys. Most, not all.
The Y560 was a real contender in bang for the buck dept, but it has hideously passe (15 years or so...) graphics on the cover. Like, turn a customer away they're so bad (because nobody wants to drop a g on a laptop covered in the lamest tribal motifs imaginable). Let's hope they ditch that with the 570.
It has ducks.
It sounds fun to me. Get to play in the mud and fish at the same time.