My parents live in MI and both get their email sent to one inbox in Windows Live Mail. Can I blackmail them?
My parents live in MI and both get their email sent to one inbox in Windows Live Mail. Can I blackmail them?
@Cochese 2.0: FWIW I live in MI too and I buy alcohol all the time on Sudnays. I guess it depends on where you live if it's actually enforced. In Metro D and Lansing I have never had a problem getting liquor on Sundays.
I got some batteries and a cleaver.
That's too bad.
What's wrong with spending all day naked? IMHO, it's a good thing.
Feathered Friends Down Suit any day of the week.
Price and inconvenience, as others have said. I think the HD DVD fiasco should scare manufacturers shitless when it comes to loss leaders, especially given 3D is a much more tenuous market than hi def. So I don't expect some huge cuts to try an lure consumers in.
There was a Northern Exposure episode where, Maggie IIRC, got paranoid/freaked out about the dust mites and wanted her whole place sterilized. JS.
@junior ghoul: Exactly.
It's a shame on so many levels. A shame Giz let's this be posted as top comedy clip of the week. A shameful performance by whoever that interviewer was. Shameful writing for the vid, not one thing funny. A shame that Jessica Alba would partake in such a lame production, even if it only took 5 minutes of her life.
Everybody in the world has that lamp.
@drgnhtny: So are you saying that MRSA is not a subspecies of Staph A?
@nandreetta: I like and often prefer my sci fi to be believable, but you can't ignore the fact that a huge portion (probably the vast majority) relies on a certain element of the aforementioned suspension of disbelief.
@J_Sensei: I know exactly what he means and he is wrong. MRSA is an evolutionary descendant of Staph A, trying to convolute this basic premise with anecdotes about skin color or regional colloquialisms is not productive or correct.
@lemke ☠☠☠: Alright, sooooo, what about every other Staph A subspecies? As I said earlier, this study has nothing to do with the drug resistance of MRSA.
His complaint is you have to put your mind on hold. Well, uh, welcome to science fiction. Not to mention you have to put your mind on hold to watch the original.
@J_Sensei: Taxonomically it is exactly like domestic dogs v wolf.
@J_Sensei: Your numbers are off.
@sassafras_: Up to 30%? Sounds like you cherry picked a number for that.
@Anikka: Er, MRSA is Staph A the same way my Pomeranian is a Wolf. It's the same species, but a different beast.