Aonuma said he is male not trans. I’m not insisting anything. I’m reiterating his comments on his creation. Keep up with him not me.
Aonuma said he is male not trans. I’m not insisting anything. I’m reiterating his comments on his creation. Keep up with him not me.
It appears you may be the only other person to have read the article. Due to its ‘goal of intent’ and some general conflation to support it I don’t think the article really deserves a full on fair shake, but it is certainly readable and isn’t a flaming pitchfork of hate, just a bent pitchfork.
I might be alone here but I don’t particularly care for exclusives. I’d just rather have a good platform with good games that functions. My Xbox gets more use than any of my other devices that have good exclusives save for the few weeks I’ll play a zelda or a Spider-man. I still have no intention of getting a PS5 just…
My curmudgeonly or trollish side wants to create a whole TTRPG purely through AI assets. I know it would be absolutely terrible, but it might also be somewhat amusing.
I’ve been wanting to get back into this but feels so left behind. Still one of the best MMOs I’ve played since WoTLK
The fact that Blizzard has so much experience making excellent PvE and Coop (is WOW considered Coop?) is the only reason i’m excited for OW2, other than reinvigorating OWL. This is coming from a person that still plays a few hours of OW weekly, and enjoys that time. I’d be very surprised to see Blizzard drop the ball…
FH has a larger player base than Street Fighter and Mortal Kombat
Not all games have to be specifically updated to see performance and/or visual gains, just like not all games use dynamic resolution and have uncapped framerates...
While I have said before that I have experienced improvements from Xbox One to Series X (including Xbox One X Enhanced Games ) it is sort of irksome to not always know where these improvements are coming from or based off of.
I wonder how easy it is for devs to send out a patch to unlock framerates on PS5 and Xbox Series X|S. Digital Foundry showed off AC Unity running pre-patch and it runs at a solid 60fps. Ubisoft did it for Division 2 and EA did it for Fallen Order. They’re not fully optimized for Series X|S but they make use of the…
Odd that the author says multi-player games were better on the competitor but it was generally known that Xbox live was better for multi-player and multiplatform
Well with that kind of perception supposedly widely held you’d think I would’ve been able to preorder an Xbox Series X today, but no, they fucking sold out.
Call me the trash boy then, cuz I can’t stand the texture of chunky peanut butter!
Noticing a patterns of slideshows on these sites now. Not a fan of it. Feels like a G/O Media thing and it just feels like a sign of things to come. Unfortunate. Thanks for writing this though. I’m assuming it wasn’t your decision to make this a slideshow post.
I never saw the show. Some of us had college classes to fail.
So this is why the 18 year old I work with asked me if I like Cory in the House last week.
I’m cool with them just staying cute. That concept been played out and eventually reach the point the finals just look stupid like all the current gen Pokemons; Scorbunny, yes. Cinderace, no.
Got it, I’ll only recommend best selling summer blockbuster movies to you if you ever ask. No cult classics, they’re not your thing.
Well a couple things. Doom had some issues being capped at a lower frame rate (was it 48 I think? It was lower than 60, so doesn’t align with most monitors no matter how awesome your setup) and Doom 64 in particular solves a problem the PC versions of Doom 1 & 2 never changed - having maps with the ability to cross…