
Read the court documents from the actual case.

No, I'm saying I don't have sympathy for liars and murderers.

For them to be Fantastic Lies they had to be told by a liar, who went on to become a murderer. Why suger coat it.

According to the documentary, like 40 of them sued Duke and won.

Also, there's often very little way to prove it with physical evidence since the crime is all about intent. With theft, you can clearly see a possession is gone. If someone else has it, they stole it. If your gun matched the one that shot someone, you're probably the murderer.

Related bad argument: "There's no way the woman would accuse them if it wasn't true, because she's going to get harassed over the accusation!"

Sounds like you've learned nothing from Fantastic Lies. When the cold hard facts show innocence, you still assume he did something.

Are you one of those people who still thinks Kane ever touched the cabbie, despite the actual facts not supporting that?

It actually looked more like karmic justice. The corrupt had bad things happen to them as a result of being corrupt.

Near the end of the movie she gives some interview saying she doesn't want her life to be known as the person who lied about the Duke Lacrosse team.

"The activists and commentators who used this case to address larger issues weren’t wrong, exactly"