
The heart container did refill his hearts it had the refill sound effect when he picked it up.

The heart container was in the chest the "potion" was in the grass next to it.

If they indeed are working on the Wii 2 i hope its Next Gen not this Gen if they come out with a system comparable with the current 360 and PS3 tech they are going to be left behind. They have made alot of money this time staying behind the tech curve but i think the Wii was a one trick pony and they are going to have

I was all about the ARG they did in Portal 1 but putting the clues and such in games i would have to buy (AKA Not Valve games) is crap IMO.

Exactly, anyone making a game like this should keep quiet about it until after its been released and has multiple torrent and file download mirrors then release the information that way once the cease and desist hits its already out there... You cant stop the signal. If only the Chrono Resurrection had done that T.T

this is why i'm getting an asus ep121

I do want Windows 7 in a tablet. And a decent processor, and a stylus, and a pressure sensitive multitouch screen.

I have a back lit keyboard (eclipse 2) and im always fumbling to find the volume up and down keys while in a game i might have to check this out. Speaking of the Eclipse 2 why Saitek has the knob control back light intensity instead of volume is beyond me.

I'm holding off to see what steam offers for preorder one thing i do know i sure as hell wasn't going to be ordering it from gamestop ugly skins or no.

I have 8

The frying pan scene is using the ugly gamestop preorder skins

You do realize on death all inventory items are dropped right? You could've went back to where you died and recovered everything.

The best thing would be a big 1080p HD TV (for games a least) but if your going for cheap [] this is a pretty damn good deal so you could get two, dual monitors for work rock.

They fixed that in the official firmware a while ago.

Can be had for about $85

Well thanks for the info maybe it is time for me to buy one id researched like mad a couple of months ago but decided against it as i would be using it mainly for SNES but maybe its time to look into it again.

I read about Dingux and everything i read said its better but still not there.

Except its SNES performance is lacking or i would totally own one right now.

I couldn't get into Borderlands at all on the PC due to the checkpoint save system if it had save anywhere and quick save i probably wouldve given it a chance.

I was really hoping to see the finished Samus from Super Metroid :(