
Well shit ill hold off on my playthrough of the PS2 version then. I just bought it too :( there goes $25 oh well at least i held off on getting ICO as its going for $50 by itself.

@Bill-Lee: Utah, im sure that explains alot right there :D

@Bill-Lee: The belief is that Cain was cursed to wander the earth as his punishment for murdering Abel and that he would be marked so others wouldnt kill him so hes effectively immortal as long as no one killed him and the mark in this case would be the hair. I never said it was my belief, i don't believe in

The most popular ive heard around my area is that he is Cain from the Bible story of Cain and Able.

That costume and shield do not look like something to come out of 1940's :(

Ive always liked the idea of the stands but i always feel the wii should be on the upper shelf (or right on top) and games on the bottom.

Number 5 is an abomination and a sin against humanity.

"And, no, its designer says, Smash Bros. was not the inspiration." BULLSHIT - we based the game off The Outfoxies a game that pretty much no one has heard of NOT the the super popular SMB that everyone and their grandma has heard of/played. Riiight.

I'll hold off on my excitement until the game goes gold.

@gnargle: Wood is awesome... *cough* uh i mean ive heard from some people that Wood is awesome.

Big deal if you know where to shop you can get a real R4 (not the knock off shown) for $4 shipped.

@ircmaster: Are you talking about Jedi Academy? There was no JK3

@SoulSilverIV: Ive only played Halo a few times and the Energy sword (at least in 2 havent played 3) takes zero skill. I was mopping up Halo veterans with it.

Im a fan of the Impact Hammer from the Original Unreal Tournamant and also i remember when Half-Life 2 Deathmatch came out i won quite a few rounds using only the Crowbar.

Im really good at remembering faces but not names what i usually do is associate their name with people I already know by that name and since I will remember their face I always remember their name.

My friend just picked it up so ill see what he thinks about it before i buy or maybe ill just borrow it from him. So far though all ive seen of this make Samus out to a an insecure little girl not the stoic hero that has at this point of the timeline (this takes place before Fusion but after all the other games)

Anyone have a link for the pictures?

I read an article right before MGS came out where Hideo Kojima and his team went to a place (outside of japan) where they could handle and shoot the guns that were going to be in the game i thought that was awesome.

What no Wii Zapper?

What about PC?