
The problem is, those in your government with brains are using them solely for their own greedy goals.

Just as stupid as EU governments letting the US put spyware on theirs.

Makes sense. US companies spy on the rest of the world under orders from the US government, the Russians would be idiots not to do the same.

Total coincidence. No connection at all. Fake News.

Maybe they should make power armor drain a fusion core over the span of a few days/a week and then it wouldn’t hurt so bad to hoof it around the wasteland.

I know...I ...might give it a try just to see how I do but...

on the hardest mode available in the game now, The companion is best used as a sponge to take a few extra shots before they finish you off, imo. Since every raider is an expert sniper with a pipe pistol, those extra shots mean life and death.

Honestly this sounds like fun to me.... I got bored of fallout as the only things that were difficult were just because they took a bajillion bullets to kill.
More damage both ways? yes please. Adrenaline perk that discourages sleeping? Hell yes, because i’ve only ever rested when I needed day/night changes for story.

I love how she sometimes comes up to me while I’m crafting JUST to say that she doesn’t want to talk to me. I know already!

Disease? Hydration? Hunger? Carry weight?

This sounds pretty solid, and somewhat similar to Hardcore Mode in Fallout New Vegas. I enjoy that the goal isn’t just upping the difficulty, but creating more factors for the player to think about. If you’re into getting really immersed in games, this kinda stuff is great.

If the update doesn’t introduce portable sleeping bags or bedrolls, I expect there’ll be a mod for it soon after.

I put two sleeping bags in a hallway end prefab, which sat at the top of some stairs. I waited until the Longs went to sleep, sealed the cube and removed the stairs.

The saving thing is kinda dumb. What if I want/need to stop playing, and I’m quite far from a bed? I get that they’re trying to stop save-scumming to preserve immersion, but not allowing any manual saves at all is kinda shitty. The rest of it sounds cool if you’re into that kind of thing.

I wonder how they’ll handle enemy vs player detection. Truth is, I almost wish Fallout (and more games) factored in both visual cover (like behind hard objects) and concealment (using foliage, etc. to blend in). Mainly because as a player, I might not notice an enemy visually blending in behind trees and on top of