
Iron Fist is not really hard to bring to life. Just two problems 1. The budget and 2. They don’t seem to have the right people making the show

This was trash. And one of the biggest reasons for Kamikaze being a thing in the first place. If you think this is good you are part of the problem.

Kamikaze is a come back. Trump freestyle, MMPLP2, REVIVAL. ALL TRASH. (SHADY XV was tight tho)

The only things that are bad here are this article and your moustache. I mean seriously you look like a pedophile. I’ll be the first to call out Marshall Mathers LP 2 and The Revival BUT Kamikaze is hard. I wouldn’t say its much of an album though its more of a playlist. A few songs didn’t need to be on there (nice

rick and morty sucks

What sort of sense does that make? Just because people watch it doesn’t mean they like it.

Its because she sucks. She’s not funny and she steals jokes. Do your research.

I liked two and a half man but this is trash. Could tell from the moment it started.

Why are you even reporting this? Can’t you just let people live?

What spelling and punctuation errors? Are you talking about the two capital letter I missed? You are a retard. And before you say that is in no way making fun of disabled people. To me the word retard describes and idiot. Not someone who is mentally challenged.

Looks like a discount version of the Inhumans. The costumes are terrible, how did this get the green light?

He means over the top. Is English not your first language?

because he’s the man without fear. Also because he climbs buildings, jumps off rooftops, swings on grappling hooks and does parkour. Are you really that stupid?

because he’s the man without fear. Also because he climbs buildings, jumps of rooftops, swings on grappling hooks and does parkour and sh*t. Are you really that stupid?

No it wasn’t the one they used is more faithful. The DD will come later.

Marvel is totally ruining everything they have built.

his helmet ruins the tension.

what the hell are you on about? it’s people like you that have caused this to happen. State you’re retarded views somewhere else.