The great mystery is how Whitlock gets these jobs. The sorry fact is that there are enough racists out there that a black man can play into their darkest fears and get paid serious dollars doing so.
The great mystery is how Whitlock gets these jobs. The sorry fact is that there are enough racists out there that a black man can play into their darkest fears and get paid serious dollars doing so.
Jason Whitlock makes The Wire uncool. Who would’ve thought that The Wire references and bland inspirational quotes won’t single-handedly launch a site as big as The Undefeated?
Why are people like Whitlock so pressed over Kaepernick? All Colin did was engage in civil protest and said nothing until someone else asked him about it. Now, he’s being blackballed and still being quiet about it, yet shit-for-brains people like Whitlock are wanting to be proudly ignorant and why?
Oh yea, they absolutely put the WWE Title ahead of the WHC. Anything that revolved around WCW got instantly buried, which is a damn shame, because the World Heavyweight Title carried the lineage of the WCW and NWA titles, which stretches back decades.
Booker T? Do you consider the old World Heavyweight Championship on the same tier as the WWE Title?
I’m going to oversimplify the answer to your question because I asked myself the same questions you’ve posed while I was writing.
The fuel insanity is driving me INSANE. Lines at the gas stations are so intense that people are blocking the roadway!
I lived in DFW for 4 years and I have never felt so out of my place in my entire life. People are nice to you until they find out that you weren’t born in Texas, which automatically puts them above you. Their state pride is on the same level as white supremacists.
You didn’t include current NXT wrestler (who seems to only really do house shows), Velveteen Dream (i.e. Patrick Clark). Although he hasn’t gotten a ton of on air NXT time, having seen him live twice, I really hope he gets some type of push.
He probably fits into more of the 205 Live category based on his size, but…
Stacey Dash.
Famous Rebas: Amy Schumer. Lena Dunham. Jezebel readers.
This is who they made Forever 21 for. This is who they make Pantene Hair conditioner for.
Go directly to hell, you absolute nightmare of a person.
On her last album, she only wrote one song. Everything else were collaborations. I mean, this is readily available on Wiki.
Clearly, this means that Chris Rock and Dave we underpaid if she could negotiate anywhere close to their pay. Chris Rock is magnitudes better than that woman, and Dave was the best comedian in the business for many years.
Delusional hack.
Remember how hard it was to be a kid and be patient.
Unsolicited advice from someone who survived a very necessary estrangement from her own mother: beware of anyone who attempts to convince you that you should be able to look past this. I wish someone had told me 20 years ago that “blood is not thicker than safety.” Thank you and good luck.