
Thanks, @rebound, for the reading tip!! Found BoH at, & it was excellent. So glad you mentioned this title... even if it does make this jez post all the more disturbing :(.

One thing about depression that never seems to hit its sell-by date, is a combined conviction that a) non-depressed friends are rightly wondering if you’re malingering—’cause you live with a constant, niggling doubt that b) you are maligering, & “with even a tiny bit of willpower, this wouldn’t be happening...”

Even the idea doesn’t sound worthwhile. Because the focus still sounds kinda, ‘What it’s Like to Be White, Like Me, Instead of Black/Brown/ Like A Lot of Other People.’

This is so sweet! Awwwww.....

Thanks! Been busy finishing Banner of Heaven, but insist on sharing my 2 cents... Or, more like, another 2 cents ;).

Also, in a trial like this, every onlooker is exposed to the undeniable anguish of the plaintiff. As a member of the public simply reading the media, I have seen enough to think it quite fair if she’d been awarded the whole ball of wax.

—for anyone else who’s late, compulsive about sources, & unashamedly lazy, here’s a version of the missing link:

—what ‘stories’ said. In fact, your comment may prove to be—dare I say it?—IMMORTAL!!!

Am reading an article about it now, thanks to your recommendation (the reviewer’s bias makes it sound all the more intriguing). This looks fascinating—& like most things lately—very disturbing. ty!

Am fairly comfortable w/17C C of E & wild religious sects—as a complete amateur, mind—& I’m pretty sure they did refer to themselves as “Saints.” To be fair, whether they were Calvinist, RC, or Anglican, everyone who was anyone back then was into persecuting.

So the ‘pilgrims’ weren’t 16th C Dissenters who wanted their own, 1000% non-Papist church discipline (sorry to be so ignorant—guess I just assumed they were Elizabethan expats who migrated from Geneva)? If you can recommend a good online source about this misconception, you’ll go on my permanent Xmas Card List!

My first thought was “ultimate-whitegirl dreadlocks?”—but maybe I just listened to too much reggae over the weekend.

The tub does look like it came from an old stove/tub/sink Lower East Side tene-apartment. Probably helps to have $$ for an assistant if you’re gonna go all-the-way Authentic & Picturesque like that.

Getting the opportunity to cuddle exotic small animals (or J Trudeau, for that matter) seems a perfectly valid reason to campaign for a major public office... Or maybe it’s the other way ‘round, somehow—why else would the aussies have handed little Koala bears to Putin & Obama at the G-20 summit?

A few days late, but is it ever too late for an expert opinion*? Of course not!

It may be customary for senators to stick up for one another, but oh, Joe! Surely, referring to McCain as a “war hero” is taking things a bit far?

It will be interesting when Jenny Trout recaps the Spike Character Meltdown in her Buffy ‘Re-watch’ - which (tho not her fault; she’s a busy woman) - might happen by the 2024 election.

Spike’s character had been so trashed by that point. What drove me toward indifference was that every season felt like Whedon et al said, “....Uhh, welp; that didn’t quite work, did it? Let’s start over... Not like, a complete do-over, but kinda-sorta...”

She redeemed s4 for me—heck, I didn’t even like the series much—but hey, sometimes type-casting works. Amoral-Deity GT coulda devoured my life-force anytime, no questions asked.

From under my rock: whoa, Bey referenced the Panthers, in BHM? Cool! Black citizens bearing arms made JEdgar’s head spin like the little girl’s in the Exorcist ;).