
Wondering that myself. COME ON! It's the best show on TV. It needs some recaps and some discussion.

But Nikki was the cat in the Peter and the Wolf story. She climbs a tree and basically laughs at the wolf. I guess a sly revenge-a-thon with Mr. Wrench is Hawley's version of escaping up a tree. Anyway, since Nikki is the cat, I think she's safe for the rest of the story.

In the 80s in Minnesota, the firms who had made the change from books to computer-based legal research were much more likely to be using Westlaw, since West Publishing's HQ was in St. Paul then, with their bindery and warehouse in Eagan, which is where the whole shebang got moved in the early 90s. Throughout the 80s,

I'm so glad you mentioned Lion in Winter. That's what I was thinking, too. The Lear matriarch never made an appearance, while Cookie is pure Eleanor fierce.