
Because an adult took her there.

It’s about $5 in collard greens to feed 10 people. Add maybe $2 worth of bacon to them. Water. Salt. Vinegar. Red Pepper.

... do you understand what collard greens are? They are not a “bacon salad”.

people are going to mock him, but sex addiction is very real, and i don’t have a hard time believing he suffers from it. look at all the stuff he continues to do regardless of consequences and the havoc it’s caused in his life.

Using gay slurs, saying mean things about classmates and inappropriate things about girls? Technology may have changed the platform but it’s safe to say that this generation didn’t invent any of that.

Seriously. What an asshole. How about blaming the perv sexting your daughter rather than the woman who had literally nothing to do with it, Pops?

I was shocked to see my cousin’s 13 year old daughter brag about being mean to another girl at school for being weird. I admonished her only to have her mother (my cousin) basically say “What? That kid IS weird, so...”

I can hear the pundits now:

So, any politicians out there going to call this guy a terrorist? If he was Muslim you know you would. If he had been waving the flag of Islam and then started killing police? You absolutely would. So, how about this guy? Anyone? Anyone at all? Yeah, didn’t fucking think so. Cowards.

The FBI is LITERALLY in the tank for Donald Trump.

Oh for fuck’s sake it is not. A week ago every single person would have said that they’re in the tank for Hillary.

To clarify: I meant his crude drawings of cocks and Coke in celebrities mouths/noses. No judgement on his personal choices. Although I think he’s a dad now so judgmental on the drugs if he’s a parent.

His cruelty combined with his thirstiness for fame turned me off to his crude cocks and cocaine schtick a decade ago. How is he still a thing?

The problem is that the dart takes time to work and could agitate Harambe. Big risk

1. She acknolwedged him. She told him, “No you’re not!”

I am a zookeeper. I have publicized, scheduled talks about my animals every week or so. You know what visitors want to know? Their names. What do they eat. I shit you not, the most frequently asked question I get at the end of my talks is “can you tell me where the [very visibly advertised exhibit/eatery] is?” My

I really want to take the Green Party seriously, but they make it so fucking hard. Like if they would run serious candidates in DC local elections I would vote for them. But they can’t seem to do that. And ny serious candidates I mean someone who wants to talk about something that is not foreign policy when running

Yes, they would. For all the times racist ass white people will call Black people gorillas they actually prefer actual gorillas to Black humans.

I’ve heard worse from her, all racist, islamophobic, fat shaming, and homophobic. My hatred for her burns like a thousand suns.

My mom’s girlfriend felt that way.