
::pours vodka in orange, coffee and cereal:: Hello, Thursday, we meet again. ::packs bottle in bag for “lunch”::

The New Yorker had an article about how the money was spent that boiled down to, “we have consultants being paid $1K/day to run “analytics,” but Rakeem still can’t read.” Some good intentions + poor execution + intractable problems = poor kids always lose.

Zuckerberg gave $100 million to Newark schools. Poisoning kids by replacing pipes would have been a great place to put.

I know, they are going HARD. Clinton and Sanders are gonna have a fist fight about immigration.

They’re going to the NCAA tournament, so my guess is that someone at Yale told Athletics to get this tucked away before next week.

Pros: This does look like he spent a lot of money on it/it’s well-made.

Regular, schmegular girl from the Bronx gettin dat schmoney!

This is her mixtape cover:

“Y’all so thirsty to get the economy fixed like how the Germans when their goddamn money was depreciating.”

Now playing

I love Cardi-B. Everything about her. She’s a treasure and so refreshingly honest about herself and her experiences. Love her. People are mean as fuck. How are her teeth bothering anyone? She’s adorable.

— So Evangelism was good for you, likely due to your white, upper middle class upbringing. But that’s not the case for all Evangelists, so was it actually good? You sound grounded and self aware, but that’s not a common trait from many Christians I’ve known, and that’s from CA to TX to NY.

Speaking as a queer person, even the liberal progressive evangelicals often pull that “hate the sin love the sinner” toxic bullshit.

Christianity in this country has always, from the very beginning, had a huge persecution complex, regardless of the amount of actual power that they hold in the community or their proximity to people actually being persecuted. The idea that it is strange for people in the “mainstream” to be out and proud about their

Okaaaay, but why? Like, I’m glad that this author is a well-adjusted person with happy memories of her childhood and adolescence, but I don’t really see how that contributes to the conversation.

kind of related? since joining AA i have turned from staunch atheist to agnostic and it’s.... very weird. all of a sudden i feel like i need to defend spirituality or explain myself (to others and even myself?). it’s a wild, new world for me (raised completely secular with a jewish mom and christian dad). it’s weird

“I puts the lotion on the skin.” Christie clarified in a deep monotone voice.

can you imagine being the PR person for chris christie who has to walk into a room and say

It’s a thing! I knew a guy in college who’s roommates would just let a porno run while they were sitting around in the living room like it was the most normal thing in the world. Just come home from class, pop in a porno, and start cooking dinner.

“Hey, it’s just a dinner meeting with friends, right? Let’s all gather around the ol’ laptop and look at some illegally filmed lady bits. We’ll turn off all the lights and if someone’s pants just happen to come off, so be it, amirite? HAHA, it’s good to have friends.”

Watch What Happened, Miss Simone?, because a documentary is almost always better than a biopic—and this documentary is sensational.