
And everyone knows you take your earrings out and hand them to your friend.

This story pops up every now and again.. I first heard about baby Ester back in the 70's from an old aunt.. what goes around... we need a museum of appropriation. That shit would be golden just to record the faces of white people as the realize (late, lol) that it’s all appropriation. All of it.

But what could be more amusing than mocking the help? Is that not why they’re there???!?

And you don't hold your own earrings! You pass them off to your girlfriend to hold! D'UH.

They better hope the nanny knew she was being recorded, because Cali is a two party consent state.

No. She really, really didn’t. Homegirl went to Friends and Saint Ann’s.

That, honestly, was the most cringe worthy part about this whole thing.

And it doesn’t appear as though Nanny even sexted him. She just sent the message to the wrong person. If Ms. Amurri is threatened over something as trivial as another woman wanting to fuck her spouse (and not even directly stating as much to the intended “target”), well, she’s got a long road fraught with anxiety and

I had no opinion of her before but after spending 10-15 minutes on her blog I now think she could vie for the title of Worst Celebrity Offspring, and lord knows it's tough competition.

And the fact that she started the post with “OH.EM.GEE.”

Ok obviously sexting the boss was entirely inappropriate, but calling your husband a LEGEND because he recorded the firing of her? And then listening to it with all of your girlfriends? That’s kind of just immature and cruel and unnecessary, grow up, you fired her and ended the situation, the humiliation isn't really

Now at this point in Kyle’s story, the part of me who is the teenager who came of age in Brooklyn started bubbling up– and my hands started itching to take my earrings out and hold them while I got CRAZY.

So this Nanny didn’t sext or proposition her husband so much send a text meant for her friend extolling his hotness to him by mistake?

The other day I got a hand gun to protect my kids, you know? And I’m really happy because it is SO important for them to be safe.

Before the election?

Nothing more than a cheap ploy. Slay kween

As a black women: no one cares bitch. Fuck, nothing I hate more than white people who ‘check their privilege’ and think that is a political statement. Like, no, that shit just makes you feel better, it’s like saying you are ‘praying for the victims’ after a shooting. FUCKING DO SOMETHING.

I hoped to present a more fully-rounded portrait of Mr. Holtzclaw than had appeared in the press. I hoped to explore the question of what had happened to this once-promising young man.

I’ll never understand why some white people feign surprise whenever other white folk spew some racist bullshit.

OK, I literally don’t get this. Are her lips supposed to be unattractive? Her perfect skin? Her adorable nose and excellent profile? So confused.