
Being mean to your audience is surely the best way to stay popular. If nerds are supposed to be evil now, I should probably do something fitting.
*Evil laugh*
*Turns adblock back on*

Not sure what you man, but in a sense, yes: it means treating everyone as if they were White. Anything wrong about it?

"Systemic racism" is a left-wingers myth, unless you are talking about official racist laws like Jim Crow. If there are none, racism is something that is done consciously, by individual people. There is no way you can call racism casting a white actress (by a private company!) in a role Asians feel entitled to.

What do you mean by "exploiting or excluding"?

That's because I'm not racist.

Rather, it's funny how a culture site keeps polluting cultural commentary with politics. Who cares about race? What really matters is, who does the role best.

Sigh. Just how racist Americans can be? "Whitewashing"? "Yellowface"? Backlash over casting? It's hard to believe this is serious. What happened to colorblindness?