
Fair dinkum.

Well if you were born in the 1870s and looked forward, you'd have a pretty darn terrible future in most parts of the world.

So many potential Starbucks locations...

Isn't that the basis for this entire website?

A grown woman picking on children is about as classy as going to Buckingham Palace and asking Queen Elizabeth to pull your finger.

I always have a chuckle at people who passive aggressively take to social media to tell others they need to have more class.

Do you really have the impression these people all love their mothers and think her better than every other woman? Most of them probably abuse their own parents just as much as they do other people, if not more.

I don't really understand this story. Why would his mother believe a stranger over him? Were the police ever involved?

The pod racing was a pretty awesome part of that movie, it could be done in very exciting way.

Well, I'm not gonna lie. After watching the previous trailers yesterday, this was incredibly underwhelming. Really low quality trailer here.
Hope its not reflected on the final product, because the only thing I could think of is the marketing team saying "trow the Falcon doing some stunts and we are done, they'll love

88 second trailer with about 50 seconds of darkness...

I can honestly say I thought it was another fake one when that guy in storm trooper armor just popped up looking freaked out and the stupid looking roller droid was shown immediately after.



I can't blame them. They hit the parental jackpot; and life's too short not to drive supercars, if your parents can afford it

Communism is a heck of a racket.

That is true love, a couple-hour long corpse run essentially just to play in zone with your girlfriend.

The corpse run!

On launch, I made an undead warlock and my buddy made a troll shammy. He told me to meet him in Kalmindor, so I dutifully went toward the arrow pointing to him and started swimming. An hour later and umpteen fatigue deaths later, he asked what was taking me so long, did I need him to come meet me at the

You do realize that drones are flown by humans, right? It's just little tiny helicopter, and the pilot sits at a desk instead of in the cockpit. Are Blackhawks known for their diplomacy? Same difference.

Because authority needs respect, and for that it at least needs a face. What chance does a drone have of diplomacy and open mindedness?