
I've never understood this "white savior" criticism of FC3. The whole plot of FC3 was turning the white savior trope on its head.

Isn't your assumption sort of racist? Why can't a dev just make a game? Why does he/she have to bend because of false-cause pseudo culture warriors? I find these criticisms sort of bigoted to be truthful.

Thanks again for a link to another site...

Look, all this racist/sexist/burn Ubisoft stuff is boring me to tears. All I want to know is :

Wasn't Far Cry 3 a deconstruction of the White Savior in that he isn't a savior but being progressively savage as he goes on? Like a Heart of Darkness or Lord of the Flies story.

I agree... I mean considering this is a gaming site wouldn't name dropping him as Starkiller in The Force Unleashed be more appropriate?

Direct the anger towards real strip clubs. I grew up playing gta games, watching campy action flicks, all the violence and hypersexualisation of the 80's and 90's. I don't objectify women, or abuse them, or siply look at them as objects.

so we completely ignore the former, which is a central part of the game, and focus on the latter, which is an optional homage to older films and cartoons..

I gotta disagree about Red Dead. Both Bonnie and John's wife are strong female characters with fleshed-out personalities and stories important to the overall narrative.

This post contains so much straw you can smell the manure from space.

This isn't just a matter of women being relegated to supporting roles in popular big-budget games, however. More often than not, these female subjects that fill out the background of the world in a game like Deus Ex: Human Revolution or Red Dead Redemption aren't subjects at all. Rather, they're built as virtual

As long as it tastes good. I hate it when people act like fast food doesn't taste good. They wouldn't be in business if it didn't.

Sounds like a rationale for subscribing to Comcast.

....I was afraid to point this out because I might be called a troll. So glad I'm not the only one who thought this.

I was blown away by this game when I first saw it played on stage. Really get's you into the game pretty literal.

The XB1 Kinect gets a bad rap. It's actually really awesome tech and I'm glad I have it.

Maybe, assuming you weren't wiped out by warfare, plague, or famine. Either would be pretty dreadful.

Keep in mind that the US experienced a MASSIVE influx of immigrants during that time and there was a lag as housing was literally slapped together in cities with large immigrant populations. It worked itself out eventually, thanks to capitalism.

That's right, if it wasn't for the filthy rich people, all those folks in the pictures would be frolicking freely in the countryside without a care in the world. We all would!