
Hopefully, he'll punch out a few hipster d-bags on the way out and rip out their beard extensions.

I tried "Ben and Kate," and aside from its awfulness, I stopped watching because of Nat Faxon's terrible, horrible, no good, very bad teeth. They are British in their horribleness.

Godot finally showed up, did he?

"Voyager" squashed the Janeway/Chakotay 'ship pretty early on (but I never bought them as a couple the way I did Crusher and PIcard).

Well, maybe not *that* one.

But where they wimped out is not following through on the Picard/Crusher relationship after teasing us for seven seasons.

"Yesterday's Enterprise" is one of the best episodes of TNG, and I liked Tasha when she came back as the half-Romulan.