Thad Castle

If they didn’t before, UCF has a better resume than Alabama. It was a down year in the SEC.

If he just wanted to the cops to show up he could have called in a domestic dispute, or a noise complaint, or basically any of the dumb shit the cops get randomly called out for in my neighborhood.

Fox News headline: “MEXICANS RIOT”

It doesn’t matter if it’s reasonably foreseeable that it might NOT happen. That’s not the legal standard—it is “is it reasonably foreseeable” (not likely, not probable, but foreseeable) that this outcome could happen?

But why were they kicked out of the Sun Belt? Did they refuse to play the SEC?

What was his intent by telling the police that his target had hostages at gunpoint, a family member already dead by his hand, and was ready to burn the place down at any moment? How credulous are you?

Pretty sure your “well, actually” shit got shut the fuck down in this thread. Have a seat.

I’m so sick of hearing about the police murdering compliant people in total absence of wrongdoing. I’m even sicker of the fact that they get away with it.

It still does dilute the quality, though. The player pool isn’t going to grow larger until there is an actual incentive, like high-level competition or fat stacks of cash, to bring in more international players. Nobody is going to come over from the Premier League to join the Lincoln Harvesters or whatever stupid and

Hey, just thought you should know, you’re opinions are complete and utter garbage. You might want to do something about that.

100 posts, zero about playing video games.

I knew this list was going to be putrid garbage, but holy shit man, what the fuck are you on@

Upon further review, Darlene Love, The Darkness, and Clarence Carter are sorely missing from this list. Also, Andy Dick is a piece of shit.

Great, I turned into a hipster just reading that list.

I’m not surprised. Messing up a math problem and Florida State have long gone hand in hand.

To paraphrase Darwin - the stupid must be punished.

I agree with Katie, though. My parents inherited nothing as well. However, my dad, despite not being college educated, managed to get a job making a lower middleclass wage, had a house and a car by the time he was 30. Then he proceeded to vote republican for the rest of his life.

Why is globalism an insult? If we push for freer trade, universal human rights, and more sustainable development, then we’ll be able to spend less on the military and foreign aid, plus we’ll have more markets to sell stuff in.

It’s going to work, isn’t it? By virtue of being a loud mouthed asshole

Good, dude is good, but maybe now they can quit interviewing him and letting him pretend to be remorseful for the immature shit he pulled...and will probably continue to pull.