Like Rivers has ever pulled out.
Like Rivers has ever pulled out.
Specifically they watch the Cardinals, not only are they the “Best fans in Baseball” they are also the “Whitest fans in baseball”
Fuck off, Adam Silver. I thought you were cool after the Sterling move.
Okay, but also Kareem and Russell and Oscar.
Telling powerful black men who have huge social influence that they need to remember their place, seems like the most hilariously destined to fail tactic you could take.
Forcing private citizens to stand for the National Anthem is the most perversely unpatriotic thing I can imagine. They are not military personnel. They are not representing the United States of America. A good number of them are not Americans. You want to play your little song, fine (not really, that’s also weird, but…
The most racist people I know like Baseball, but then again nobody watches that anymore
So last week I had to say I was “Team NFL,” and that made me queasy but it was fine because it was against “Team Trump.”
And I hope Pop and Kerr tell their teams to do what they want.
I’m shocked that all of the premature ejaculation jokes came so quickly.
Pitino: “Man, that took forever.”
*releases statement*
As a non-Pats fan, let me just say: fuck ALL of you Pats fans.
Yeah, I’m generally not a baseball guy, but I loved those. Made the summer months more fun. Bring them back next year!
This wasn’t even the Cubs’ B team tonight, since the whole team was probably hung over. It was the C team.
I miss the Cardinals posts after losses. Deadspin had a good thing going there.
I personally don’t understand how any veteran could reasonably take someone kneeling for the anthem or flag as a sign of disrespect, it just doesn’t make any sense to me at all.
+1 Macklemore