Thad Boyd

Doesn’t really work with the American pronunciation.

He-Man had a better supporting cast.

Most people went ahead and took the “let’s stop talking about the popular vote” route 16 years ago. That’s part of the reason why we’re here today.

That bit from My Name is Earl where Earl drives past Geraldo and shouts “Hey Gerardo! Fuck you!”, on the other hand? LOTS of opportunities to post that.

Is women dressing sexually alluring in public good for society or not?

Man, I didn’t like Into Darkness the *first* time.

That’s Gough and Millar. Different guys.

I mean, I assume that the reason they keep talking about it is that people keep asking them about it, not that they just brought it up out of the blue and without prompting at a Clone High panel.

Jesus Christ, Clone High can’t catch a break. Even when there’s a panel explicitly dedicated to Clone High, all the coverage ends up being about Star Wars.

Betteridge’s Law of Headlines.

DC Entertainment has immediately suspended Mr. Berganza

Clearly it’s hypocritical to use telephones, the internet, cars, or electricity if you have any criticisms of those businesses. Liberals should just live in mud huts or shut up. Oh, they don’t like all the contamination in the soil? Guess mud huts are out too.

I believe the correct AV Club version of this joke is “Spike Lee angrily tweets John Grisham’s home address.”

Well hello there. If I reply to you do you get unhidden, or do we have to wait for a mod?

There’s this one website I go to that actually used to have a really great comments section.

Benjamin or William Henry?

We can’t be silent.

Rule of Goats: if you fuck a goat, and then explain that you were doing it ironically, you’re still a goat-fucker.

Man, you really are hung up on telling everybody else how stupid they are, constantly, aren’t you? That’s definitely a sign that you’re a very smart person. Smart people are always talking about how stupid everyone else is. It’s the clearest sign of intelligence, and definitely not insecurity.

“Please tell us all what else we should be taking offense to,” says guy telling us all what we shouldn’t be taking offense to.