Thad Boyd

Then a bunch of women came forward to corroborate the longstanding rumors about Cosby’s sexual predations, and ruined his career.

But making boring hacky jokes isnt offensive or some sort of affront to the victim.

If sarah silverman makes this joke your headline is “sarah silverman DESTROYS harvey weinsteen with devestating joke”

Given that the problem is that their moderators can’t tell the difference between someone who’s being abusive and someone who’s describing abuse, adding a bunch of new categories of abuse to ban people over seems like it’s going to result in *more* people getting banned for calling out abusers, not fewer.

Wait, sorry, are you under the impression that the primary concern of anyone going after Al Capone was that he outed a gay billionaire?

No, it just means that Shiva Ayyadurai gets to keep suing people who say he didn’t invent email, and news outlets don’t want to report on allegations about R Kelly.

And which of those examples is illegal?

Bollea v Gawker wasn’t about a celebrity sex tape. It was about a billionaire retaliating against the press for reporting a story he didn’t like.

Maybe you’re thinking of a different SLAPP than I am.

And Shiva Ayyadurai, for good measure.

Aren’t Concerned Women of America and One Million Moms the same organization?

He’s got one lawyer to protect him from getting sued and another lawyer to help him sue people.

You can sue anyone for anything, if you can afford it. That’s the whole problem here.

They’ll file in New York; it doesn’t have an anti-SLAPP law. The suit may well be dismissed, but I don’t think there’s any mechanism for recovering attorneys’ fees.

Sadly, no; the downside is that, while the Times will win, it will make other, smaller outlets afraid to report on this or similar stories.

You’d think the lawyer who sued Techdirt would have heard of the Streisand Effect.

The NYT article suggests that they brought her in to get their house in order, that her job is to get Harvey to stop doing this shit.

Bollea v Gawker wasn’t about Bollea; it was about a billionaire retaliating against his critics.

I think it’s pretty irresponsible to speculate, especially about somebody like Hughes who’s dead and can’t defend himself.

Stop, don’t, come back.