Thad Boyd

I think Bollea v Gawker, and all the other Thiel-funded suits against Gawker, were about bankrupting Gawker; that was certainly the result, and it sure seems like it was the intention. Ayyadurai v Floor64 was certainly about trying to bankrupt Floor64; Ayyadurai said as much himself.

The good news is, I find it hard to see Harder winning this. He couldn’t take down Techdirt with a ginned-up defamation case, and the Times and the New Yorker have a lot more money than Techdirt.

I thought A Clockwork Origin was great. “I don’t want to live on this planet anymore” may be the best line read of Billy West’s career.

Maybe so, but at least I don’t click the Like button on my own posts.

I have played on Moon Guard since Blizz ruined WPVP in Cata and made me switch from Venture Co, and this is fake news.

You seem to have mistaken my stating facts without taking an editorial position on them for taking an editorial position on them.

Yeah, AV Club has really gone downhill.

The guy who played the Joker even grew a mustache just so he could cover it up with makeup like Cesar Romero.

You know, her byline’s right at the top of the page; if you don’t like her articles, nobody’s forcing you to read them.

neonazis and radical feminists.

Whatever happened to ‘innocent until proven guilty’?

“So let me get this straight:”

“Were there nazis in the street in the 1970s?”

An argument is a series of connected statements intended to establish a proposition. It isn’t just contradiction.

> John McCain saying he doesn’t support it I can see. His issues are the same as him opposing Skinny Repeal: procedural. Doesn’t have to do with the substance of the bill itself.

She’s a human, and also a squirrel.

Thanks for the recommendation! I’d heard that and been meaning to pick up the trade.

Marvel has always preached diversity and inclusiveness. Ever read X-Men or Captain America? There’s some subtext in those comics about how thinking people are inferior because of their race, sex, or sexuality is bad. It’s real subtle, but if you look hard enough maybe you’ll see it.

Be vewwy, vewwy quiet.

Definitely. But with Deadpool, Logan, and Legion, I’ve got some cautious optimism about Fox right now.