Thad Boyd

But Batman, Luthor, and Iron Man are all money + science, and I don’t find them boring. Overexposed, sure, but not boring.

I think Doom is one of the most versatile characters in comics; you can put him in any kind of story in any any genre. But even if he’s not up against the FF, he needs SOME kind of a shared-universe foil.

Noah Hawley is doing it, apparently.

Dismissing Watchmen as “another superhero property” does it a pretty serious disservice. But boy I wish Warner would quit going back to that well.

It’s such a nuanced take on Ditko’s morality, too; Moore clearly does not agree with Ditko’s beliefs but he finds the nobility in them. There’s a reason Rorschach is the most popular character in the book, and it’s not just one-liners like “you’re trapped in here with me.” He’s the only character who’s willing to die

I found him initially repulsive but, on finding out his origin story, more of a “there but for the grace of God go I” kind of character. After what he’s been through, most anybody would be the way he is.

I’ve often thought that the movie could be vastly improved by a fan edit that mostly cuts all the fight scenes down to a few seconds long. Has anybody done that yet?

I love A Fistful of Dollars as much as the next guy, but it would have been fucking weird if it had been called Yojimbo.

Let me get this straight:

I saw the second Rob Zombie Halloween movie at a drive-in. Couldn’t see a goddamn thing; dark movies don’t work so well at the drive-in.

You make an excellent point. If people make a movie with cursing and kicking in it, they can’t object to somebody committing sexual assault.

Why are we assuming Jon kills Dany and not the other way around?

“which has to involve more job duties than scraping Twitter”

Not gonna lie: I lost interest and quit reading about halfway through because of the constant interruptions. If I didn’t click on Vincent D’Onofrio’s 5 Favorite Movies the last seven times I saw it, I’m not gonna click on it now.

Apparently the only person who doesn’t hold any responsibility for Hillary Clinton’s defeat is Hillary Clinton.

I quit giving Discount Tire my business last fall, when the owners made all the Maricopa County locations put up signage endorsing Sheriff Joe.

I quit giving Discount Tire my business last fall, when the owners made all the Maricopa County locations put up

Yeah, that sounds like Kinja, all right. I used to subscribe to Gizmodo just for certain categories. Now I don’t subscribe to Gizmodo at all.

Yeah, I wasn’t sorry to see him go but I felt it was narratively unsatisfying that we never really got any deeper motivation from him than “I love Catelyn; fuck you, Ned.” Here’s a guy who was responsible for at least two of the major inciting events that led the series down its arc (killing Jon Arryn and blaming the

...I don’t get it. The premise of the article seems to be that if a beloved actor plays a bad person, then people decide the person wasn’t bad?