thad barkley

Shit, I do that every day at work.

You son of a bitch!

So Phoenix is the Tampa of the Southwest?

I'll watch this obviously, but I'm really waiting on the full season of Jean-Claude Van Johnson.

Quick! Somebody send him this clip!

Mephisto confirmed for Black Panther 2!

> The original Black Panther comics, in retrospect, are…unfortunate. I give them credit for trying but when you have a white Jewish guy from New York writing African characters in the sixties…yeah…

Wait - Ron Deathstalker, or his cousin Pete?


I would have killed to visit the cul de sac at Pamela Hensley Boulevard.

No, this is going to be his simultaneous homage to Italian sex comedies *and* giallos.

Hahahaha they were gonna murder a guy because he chose the wrong salsa hahahaha what a buncha assholes

> sfogliatelle

My reply to this was a repurposed Spartacus quote, but I guess there's moderation for profanity now?

Just give up and cast Riz Ahmed, then retool this as a gritty sequel with Aladdin hunting down a Genie that's gone insane and threatens to destroy all life on earth.

COLD ANAL RUB L-R (left-right) N

Which would you rather fight, one hundred owl-sized men or one man-sized owl?

Every day we stray further from God's light.


Speaking of that, whatever happened to Schopenhauer?