thad barkley

It's too bad Benny Hill's dead.

No no, you don't have to listen to everything.

Speeding Bullets - where a young Gotham couple discover a crashed rocket and adopt the baby inside as their own…

Which should have been at least 20 minutes longer…

It's possible that I've heard those songs, while on a bus or at the mall.

Okay, well, the silver lining for viewing that trailer is that it autoplayed directly into the trailer for Dave Made a Maze, which looks kinda neat -

The Canadian sci-fi show Continuum depicted a future where "old media" was contraband. It wasn't trackable as you said, no one was making profit of it, and probably more importantly, it depicted the world before the governments and civic structures collapsed and were replaced by the Corporate Congress.

The previous reboot, like the recent Fantastic Four reboot, was done solely to keep the property from reverting to Marvel. So yeah, I can pretend that one "doesn't count"

Man, I really wish Wahlberg *was* on that plane.

But not a ghost doctor who operated on other ghosts?

Blionel Bluthor, you mean. Father to the archnemesis of Calvin Ellis, the President Superman of Earth-23.

Am I misremembering, or wasn't this a 'C' earlier today?

Well…Koba spent who knows how many years being tortured and experimented on by humans. He's a pretty tragic figure. Andy Serkis gets his due for these roles, but Toby Kebbell did a great job with that one.

There's some footage that Jane Goodall got of one of those monkey hunts. The sounds the chimps make during the hunt, and especially at the moment they catch and begin ripping the monkey apart with their hands can only be described as 'gleeful'

Or an enterprising group of real estate entrepreneurs pool their financial resources and begin buying up land on the interior of the country, away from fault lines and fracking areas…

The invisible swordsman could not be reached for comment.

> They're as industrious as…

It's the sixth Spider-Man movie in what 15 years? As great as it hopefully is, it's hard to muster up enthusiasm.

> presumably won’t have quite such a convoluted backstory