thad barkley

I've said this before, but Man of Steel has the best Jor-El so far, and the *worst* Pa Kent so far.

Hang in there, buddy!

That's how Sony will justify three separate 'reboots' of PaRappa within 10 years…

Jesus don't get me started on that.

> she had no idea the imagery was racist

There's a place that I don't go to often enough that serves kale slaw with quinoa.

B—but, Frankenfoods! Monsanto!

Does this mean I should stop deep-frying my asparagus too?

Just take your shit to Kinja already, Dorothy!

I saw her on a few episodes of that Debra Messing: Single Mom Cop and thought she was okay. I may have had redhead blinders on though.

Edit cause I made a joke that I just realized could be interpreted a whole nuther way.

> People were like "he was just a dog, man."

And I guess, Tiffany as herself? With almost no lines, just a constant presence at the edge of the stage.

Nobody's doing a version of Lear, but with gender-swapped Goneril and Regan?

Oh yeah - I keep forgetting Tut showed up first.

Lynda Carter was already the Governor of Vermont!

Michael Jai White is also black!

They got Kang because someone at Marvel decided in the 90s (i think?) that he was Reed's descendant.

And got into a fistfight with the Thing and Human Torch!

eh…The Hunchback of Notre Dame vs King Ghidorah's gonna be kinda short.