thad barkley

The second season starred Col. Flagg from M*A*S*H!

Can we make a farting noise as she walks by and blame it on her?


Aw man, now I wish Kid Rock was the Tiny Rick version of Dwayne Johnson.

Yeah, as much as I've complained about millennials - i've complained about boomers ten times as much.

> guinea dago knifecriming piece of disreputable shit

An animated version of Ed Piskor's HIP HOP FAMILY TREE would've been better.

I keep wondering who else will show up on the CW, and as what.

All the criminals in Star City will be dead by the time Oliver et al get back.

I can't exactly recall right now, but I think the last time we saw flashbacks leading to a massive explosion on a island with a bunch of people trapped on it, there were suddenly flash-forwards the next season…

You'd think someone in an intelligence agency somewhere would notice all that military-grade explosives being purchased. Good Job, ARGUS!

Also - totally called it. Clarke's skin looks great! And she's coloring her hair again!

I liked to about flipped my shit when they zoomed in on "Prison Transport GAGARIN"

Cause we already had Excalibur?

Ah, Limerick City - where half the population are from Nantucket, and the rest are pelicans.

A dog undergoing cancer treatment managed to sneak out of the vet's facility and was missing for a week - they found her yesterday! Hooray!

Again, the key to Lady in the Water is to watch with Spanish audio, no subtitles. That way you can pretend it's a lost Guillermo del Toro film.

Whenever I visit some friends in San Diego there were places I went to in Pacific Beach when I'd hang out at work with them. Go to the record store next door, wander down the street to a place that made tiny donuts then dipped them in granulated sugar, further down the street was a place literally called The Gelato

boorish manners, etc etc

> high in protein