thad barkley

Maybe someday it won't.

Documenting the incident with the authorities as opposed to just posting on Facebook or Twitter and *hoping* it goes somewhere.

They could have called the cops.

Or…hear me out here…they could have gotten off the plane and called the police. Made it a point to get a flight on another carrier.

Spirit may consider this for a new boarding and disembarking procedure - forcibly dragging screaming passengers on and off the plane.

If you want a vision of the future, imagine a boot stamping on a human face this happening - forever

I've been conditioned to expect the worst. :/

Okay, fuck all y'all negative sumbitches - This looks like a gotdamn hoot!

Watched The Void on demand.

I don't know man, I've been stung by Assayas before.

> T.J. Miller: Girl, what you think lean is?

It is also the process by which a Liger is formed.

Maybe Brit Morgan will show up as Icemaiden!

Well, he does know what human flesh tastes like *and* lost his twin brother to a tsunami. It's probably a defense mechanism.

No thanks - I don't have the distribution network set up. Also there may be licensing involved and I don't want to run afoul of the Champagne Mafia.

> Buy Jay Z’s $850 champagne and convert it into urine

Quick - somebody put him in sweatpants and a lil stained wife-beater!

Jeff Goldblum's on board!

Dudes like that won't write articles about 34 year old women.

My twin boys Gog and Magog would agree with you.