thad barkley

Best way to set up Danny's costume is to have him see Daredevil in action before he got the red suit and be inspired by it.

That's good to hear. God bless you and your commitment to not getting out of your chair! :)

Yeah, I love First Class but whenever it's on cable I usually just watch up to the submarine.

The Hood would make a good show. Just a working class criminal, not evil or out for world conquest, lucks into powers under terrifying circumstances and has to juggle family stuff and building a underworld empire.

There'd be an inevitable internet backlash about casting the first Marvel series with an Asian lead and he's a villain.

Going through that TV Tropes entry I keep seeing more examples of it being "subverted" or "deconstructed" or "parodied" than legit examples.

Possibly - I can live with it though, I guess so long as I don't ingest any Old Spice or somehow get it in my airways…

I tried the roll-on version of that shit for a few weeks, but as TJ Miller said in that episode of Happy Endings, "It turns out aluminum is a *vital* component of deodorant."

The fight scenes have been fine so far. I don't see why he'd need a "can of highly-trained whoop ass" to deal with random security guards that he doesn't actually want to hurt.

Same here - the PTSD is a bit much, but maybe he's overwhelmed by being back in NYC and it's triggering memories or feelings he though he'd dealt with.

Glad to see that he hasn't lost any of that twitchy, barely-contained anger even though this time he's a complete dick and not a guy trying to atone for being a monster.

An alarming historical parallel!

Mercs used as cannon fodder instead of a volunteer army shouldn't get those benefits. Pay them well enough to keep them in drugs and whores and let them do all the killing and dying instead of American men and women who either signed up because they want to serve or because they had no other options.

Good. It's a win/win.

Restructure the military as a public/private partnership! Dump the ground forces and use mercenary troops.

It will be, though.

One of my local PBS stations is more pledge drives than not. Seriously - every two months about three weeks of non-stop pledge drives and Downton Abbey marathons. And the programming is nothing but 2 hours of doo-wop or those sketchy health and diet specials skewed toward the aged and haggard.

It's okay though, because nothing can kill the Grimace.

That's the part I don't get - what 20 year old knows who the fuck James Woods is?

You're going to take him to see an inappropriately erotic film on your date?