thad barkley

She first appeared in Vengeance a mini-series by Joe Casey and Nick Dragotta dealing with teen heroes and villains.

Why can't they just do like Gramps did and call them "The Latins"?

> what the fuck is he eating, a Faberge Egg omelet?

> Dan Schneider, executive director of the American Conservative Union

Okay, now I want a McRib folded into the Chicken Chalupa instead of the veggies.

Out of Left Field, Possibly Insane Speculation -

Maybe it's that Oliver doesn't murder people til they start shooting at him?

They should've kept Church around a few more episodes. Great actor and one of the better villains actually.

Time travel shenanigans confirmed! Prometheus is Ollie's illegitimate son from the future!

Either Susan's feelings for Oliver are genuine, or she's got a personal vendetta against him, because if she is just being a cut-throat reporter who's willing to sleep with a guy and fake a relationship to get a big story - that's going to damage her career just as bad as plagiarism allegations

"Olympic level athlete" just means he doesn't get as tired from all the beatings and asskickings he gets and can run away faster if he needs to.

Her adorableness carries over into her voice.

Can't upvote this enough.

Thanks for this link! All I'd ever found published about him before was this little (48 page!) tribute put together by the BFI, I think.

Back in '95 or so I was looking for movies at my university library and found grey-market vhs copies of Tokyo Drifter and Branded to Kill on the shelves and checked them out. I'd never heard of Suzuki before, but I'd ended up watching both films several of times over that weekend and came in that Monday to ask the

> Matt Berry

> take it up with Andrew Vachss

Shit, nevermind - "Why not both?"

Wait - a thread for wigs that Janeane Garofalo has worn, or for wigs that make you look like Janeane Garofalo?

There is a cat in my house. Few years back a friend was having trouble with allergies and was getting stronger and stronger prescriptions for them and broke down several times as she didn't want to give the cat up. I was in a bad place emotionally and had just been kicked out of my apartment because the new owners