thad barkley

Has anyone used Danny Vincent/Junta recently?

That's a great idea and I'd pay money to see that.

I heard he went into a restaurant, and had sex with everyone in the restaurant, and they had to close the restaurant.

Cause his middle name is Bruce?


I had sex with a Nymphomaniac the other day!

Yeah…if justice were a real, quantifiable, immediate force in the universe like gravity or magnetism…man, just imagine that…

Yeah, that's normal folks. We're talking about Michael Rapaport, though.

Did you see Black-ish last night? It's just what Dre did - he's driving a passed-out drunk neighbor home in her car and gets pulled over by the cops. He cycles through all his options, ending up either in jail or dead, and just opens the door and runs home. It was hilarious and awful at the same time.

Violence is just a tool. It's bad for people to use the same tool over and over to accomplish all their goals. But some jobs call for it.

Because sometimes what you really need is someone else to pay a horrible price.

> I wonder if there's a way to remove the racist ideology from Nazism.

> "fuck you, I got mine, oh, and also, fuck everyone who's not me or in my demographic"


> liberal stances on trade

All I want is the trick arrows! All of them! Cisco and Curtis would be happy to set up a automated fabrication system for him.

When I was ten I overheard my dad, aggravated at how he needed to borrow someone's tractor to pull up a tree stump in the back lot (ours was up on blocks, needing repair) so the next day I borrowed the neighbor kid's Zippo, raked leaves and debris in a circle around the stump and lit it.

Welcome to America 2017: The show where everything's made up and the votes don't matter.

Do you mean the tv show Fresh Off the Boat, or the book?

"I'm just saying that when we die, there's gonna be a planet for the French, a planet for the Chinese, and we'll all be a lot happier!"