I'd sacrifice pretty much any gaming mags, blogs, or tv shows to have my good old EGM back.
I'd sacrifice pretty much any gaming mags, blogs, or tv shows to have my good old EGM back.
I really feel like it was a huge waste that the "Gaming App of the Day" article was dedicated to bashing a poor attempt at reinventing pong, and yet this game receives such a brief, just-the-facts write-up.
My thoughts exactly. I did dig the cutscenes in the older games in the series, but I hardly even remember the respective plots of the previous two games.
It's a... meme... Oh never mind. You have a nice day.
It is indeed available on PSN, just to confirm that. And Castlevania: Dracula X Chronicles is the PSP game that you're referring to.
I agree, these characters would make an amazing cast for a platformer. I don't necessarily know if the fact that it's an MMO will hold it back TOO much - I've never been a player of the genre but who knows. All it needs is a little innovation.
Nor does it look particularly like Anime...
Hmm... I know that Sony announced their PS3 Slim at the first Gamescom in 2009, but I'm not entirely sure how much exciting news we can expect from them this year.
It is a pretty rare thing in professional journalism.
Why'd they "fix" it then?
Kotaku sure does pick the most interesting times to actually listen to it's fan base's complaints about the site's infrastructure, doesn't it?
My computer is pretty awfule, and I cannot run it. I will be able to soon once I upgrade, and I plan to just wait and get into this game then, but I understand where these people are coming from... it is possible to not be able to run it
Haha awesome nonetheless.
Blanket is a nickname.
It was City Escape. The game is full of remakes of classic Sonic levels.
Adult Link doesn't have a cocky attitude... The only Link with any type of attitude is CD-i Link, and he doesn't exist. I don't even know what I'm talking about right now.
Because people always assume that "We're focusing on making this great" = "we're carelessly letting the other elements of the game suffer." And I disagree with both that mindset and the one that says Naughty Dog is "trying to make it into something it never was." There's been two iterations of the series, and one had…
Ahh, to have a 3DS camera back in the HLA days.
I highly, highly doubt that they'll be doing this with the NGP. There will most likely be some sort of major connectivity between the NGP and the PS3 but I don't think they'll be rereleasing games from it for home consoles. At least not anytime even relatively soon.