
Spread the PvZ love.

My apologies. You're right.

Yes, it's disappointing, but please don't bash the Lego games over it. The fact that each one of them cashes in on TWO popular franchises (Lego + [movie series]) and yet still come off so inspired and live up to so much of their potential is admirable.

I think that Sony used their wording to differentiate between the 5 PS3 games and 4 PSP games that they offered, but neglected to specify, so Mr. McWhertor simply titled the article in a way that left both possibilities open.

It's a pretty huge deal. It will eventually pass, but not the next day.

Well, maybe they're counting FACE buttons, and referring to those as triggers, or shoulder clickies or something.

I've searched in the App store and did not find it. Apparently Apple has taken it down.

Because profiting now and being sued or reprimanded for it later is not a very smart business move.

all that isn't even necessary, you can delete it, reinstalll and just play again. But that's lame.

In his defense, very rarely have I ever seen my grandfather's back. And I'd much rather see an old, wrinkly dragon than just the old and wrinkly part.

In the 40's, you went directly from little girl to aging housewife. Young adults didn't show up until the 60's, and they were all hippies. Teenagers were created in arcades across the country in the 1980's and bred solely to be horrible little people with nothing to contribute to anyone ever.

Always thought this game should've been called Past-o-Rama.

That doesn't necessarily take powers. And nobody questions his perfect aim and spidey sense.

Yeeeaaaaahhhh.... I have to disagree, I do want Okami specifically.

This article is absolutely impossible to resist.

@Aibyouka-kun: EXTREMELY difficult to read his last name as anything else.

@PirateSquirrel: which seems to happen often... like in the article about the prototype 3DS, praising the "simple" 3DS - which could easily be mistaken for the actual next Nintendo DS hardware design succeeding the DSi- and then criticizing the actual 3DS' design because it looks too much like a "DS 1.5"

@LibertineWench: There are very few words in the English language that properly describe how hungry you've just made me.

@Diamond Sea: Your idea is amazing. Here, have these moneys.

I really love that this game's main character's ultimate objective seems to be to take out the previous game's protagonist.