@PunkyChipsAhoy: I am in support of this game based on the catchiness of the tune alone. Later, when it's stuck in my head and I hate it, I'll be less biased.
@PunkyChipsAhoy: I am in support of this game based on the catchiness of the tune alone. Later, when it's stuck in my head and I hate it, I'll be less biased.
@Badassbill: Even if you disagree, it's plainly obvious why someone would think it looks similar.
@SirNinja: I was still genuinely amused, good effort sir
@Alex_Mexico: Have you ever considered a professional career in the field of "coming up with awesome titles for stuff?"
@Paradox me: well, it is a box with a big ass X on it.
@fuzzlemail: "look at her face! do you see how excited she is about whatever it is that you're missing right now?!"
@battra92: sir, you have excellent culinary taste. I can just smell that cheesey, can-y aroma now.
@Varone: I thought I was craaaazy for assuming such. But it was a special, warm and fuzzy kind of crazy.
@Altima NEO: Sony's first device with analog sticks, the Analog Joystick or Flightstick, actually came out a few months before the N64 did.
@nopunches: well the case for the light cycle looks bigger than both, and just about big enough to justify the size of the box..
@THEMISSING (ain't hearing your sh_t): Quazifuji actually has an excellent point. I'd like to see you genuinely try and refute it because I think it punches a big hole in your original comment.
@DefSheppard: Pete and Pete are cool and all, but imo there was just something special about Kenan and Kel.
@KingSnakeX4: Guess I should have specified I meant live action... if we're including animated characters then my statement is completely false.
Kenan Thompson + Kel Mitchell = the best comedic combination Nickelodeon has and will ever see.
@Guitarzan2k5: Give that guy a shield and watch him spin like a mad man.
I love how he dies in a way that I could actually see myself dying.
@Ad-hominem: I'm thinking it may just be you, my man.
Kotaku gets too opinionated sometimes, and it makes reading some articles rather annoying.
@PS1: @xmywreckingballx: Probably engaged to the woman who already had a baby.
@W10002: I have to say, having owned and enjoyed both... Spider-Man 2 (the game of the second movie) was better.